
At the moment most tests rely on a bitcoin regtest node running. Depending on how the bitcoin node is run some environment variables may need to be set.

The simplest is to use the provided docker-compose.yml under the pyspool github repository.

First run the bitcoin regtest daemon in background mode:

$ docker-compose up -d bitcoin

Then run the tests:

$ docker-compose run --rm spool py.test -v

To run the tests against python 2:

$ docker-compose run --rm spool-py2 py.test -v


You may need to build the image for the services spool and spool-py2. E.g.:

$ docker-compose build spool

Without Docker

The tests rely on four environment variables specific to bitcoin:


The host of the bitcoin regtest node. Defaults to 'localhost'.


The port of the bitcoin regtest node. Defaults to 18332.


The rpc user used to connect to bitcoin regtest node. Defaults to 'merlin'.


The password of the user, used to connect to the bitcoin regtest node. Defaults to 'secret'.

Assuming the above default environment variables, a bitcoin regtest node can be run as follows:

$ bitcoind -daemon -regtest -rpcuser=merlin -rpcpassword=secret -txindex=1


Please note the -txindex=1 option. This ensures that all transactions are indexed and retrievable by the RPC getrawtransaction. Without this option some tests will fail.

Using a bitcoin.conf

A bitcoin.conf file can also be used. E.g.:

# $HOME/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf (under linux)


The .travis.yml, docker-compose.yml, and bitcoin_regtest.conf files, under the pyspool github repository may be helpful to look at.